AnnaSoft is a licensed distributor of SystemSoft PCMCIA products such as CardSoft, CardWorks and CardWizard.
CardSoft PCMCIA software includes Socket Services 2.10 and Card Services 2.10. CardSoft's value added components include Windows 3.1 Extended Support and Power Management, and it supports a range of PC Cards: modem, faxmodem, network and ATA hard disk PCMCIA cards.
CardWorks-PCMCIA software for Windows* 95 provides the software bridge between the physical PCMCIA slot and the Windows 95 operating system. It is fully compliant with the latest PCMCIA industry standard, The PC Card Standard. CardWorks supports all of the PC Card 16-bit functions including: multi-function cards (up to seven functions per card), Direct Memory Addressing (DMA), and multi-voltage card support (3.3, 5.0, 12.0 Volts). CardWorks will fully support CardBus (PC Card's 32-bit functions), when CardBus systems and cards are available.
CardWizard intelligent PCMCIA configuration software for Windows* 3.1 automatically diagnoses and resolves the most common PCMCIA card and system problems. CardWizard leads the Intel user go step-by-step through common problems such as resource conflicts and missing or incorrectly loaded device drivers. CardWizard contains an expert system that examines the system configuration, identifies problems and automatically corrects them. It resolves problems such as: Incorrect or Missing PCMCIA Drivers; System Resource Conflicts (IRQ, Memory or I/O Ports); Network, LAN, and ATA Card misconfigurations; Card Status Change IRQ conflicts; and EMM386 Conflicts.
CardWizard can substantially reduce the technical support burden of PCMCIA system and card vendors. By allowing the user to identify and resolve his or her problems quickly, manufacturers are relieved of the technical support burden and customers are more satisfied with their PCMCIA products.